
Nancy Murphy, Cape Charles, VA

Nancy Murphy is an acrylic painter living on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. She attributes her discovery of painting to the “Corona Virus.” Before that, she didn't know she was artistic.

A desire to try something new prompted her to sign up for a 2-hour Facebook painting class. A passion was ignited when she discovered a hidden talent she didn't know existed. It's been non-stop since. What started as a time filler turned into a blessing. To date, she has sold over 200 original paintings.

She started using a yellow dot in her signature to signify her painting was finished, like a period at the end of a sentence. She loved the way it dressed it up and added a touch of whimsy.

published author

In addition, Nancy is a 3-time published author, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Romance" (Macmillan Publishing), "Desirable Men: How to Find Them" (Prima Publishing), and "Fables of Fairy Good Heart: Divorce—A Parent's Love Lasts Forever" (Indie). Her pen name is Nancy Fagan.

Contact: NancyFaganMurphy@icloud.com

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